Saturday, October 15, 2011

shots shots shots.

  I am absolutely terrified of needles. Guess it goes back to my childhood and having our shots given to us in oldest to youngest order. My brothers would leave the room claiming they could hear me scream clear out in the waiting room.
    I tagged along with my "friend 2 year old" Friday when she went to the doctor for her flu shot. She freaked out more over having her arm our of her sleeve than she did about the shot. I was so proud of her!!! There was also the option of nasal mist, what I (and my mom) would give to had that 20 years ago!

 I made an appointment to have my flu shot in a few weeks. Any volunteer to hold my hand?


  1. As someone who's donated blood nearly 30 times in my lifetime, I was surprised at how big of a baby I was after getting my flu shot a few weeks ago. Tiny needle, but wasn't expecting to get stabbed & be so sore afterwards! I'm sure this isn't helping... :) Of course I'll come hold your hand!

  2. Sorry Tara, been there, done that! Time to be an adult. xoxo
