Friday, October 28, 2011


We missed the Pumpkin Roll this year. But you never know.... the nannies might have a "roll" of our own!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Oh the Places I will Go

 My resume and bio are now in the hands of our placement director, it is all a matter of time when I will start to interview. Every week Lynnw comes to class telling us about new perspective families wanting a nanny ASAP, or as the office likes to say "They wanted a nanny yesterday!" The school is our employment source with 90% placement. Even alumni come back after leaving a family looking for another.
  Lynne gives us many characteristics of the children as well as the parents and what they are looking for in a nanny or a governess. ( A governess and nanny are the same thing, however a governess has some sort of college degree whether it be accounting, art, education, etc.) I have showed interest in a  few Ohio families, as well as some in Virgina, New York, and the Carolina's. Nothing popping up in North Cal, sorry FAVORITES! However I am keeping a very open mind with where I may end up come 2012. But then again I have to if I want a job!

  When we started working on our resume and bio it was probably the first week of school. It completely blindsided me only because I had no idea how fast this process was going to move. I consulted with many of my friends (via mass text to some lovely ladies) on what makes me, me. Shockingly enough they all said I was very social. (WHAT? ME SOCIAL?!? haha) I was very lucky to have a resume specialist come in and teach us about what perspective employers are looking for. When things were all said and done, I have to say mine looks pretty fabulous!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cooking Up A Storm

I am currently taking a nutrition class learning what a child needs to eat for a daily 1,000 calorie diet. Shockingly enough McDonalds for breakfast and Sonic for lunch isn't part of it. WEIRD!  Our first week in the kitchen we made a delicious vegan banana muffins as well as other breakfast foods. Little did I know that eggs were the main meal for breakfast. I hate eggs! But here I am.... poaching my first (and possible last) egg ever.

Monday, October 24, 2011

7 year old BFF

BFF and I have been super close since the day she came home from the hospital. When she would get in trouble at home she cried for me, but when she got in trouble with me she cried for her mom. Explaining to her about me wanting to go to nanny school was more difficult than the enrollment process. How could I break the heart of a little girl who has seen me, on an average, 3 days a week all of her life?
  She came up to Cleveland 2 weeks ago for her first ever sleep over, aside from spending the night at cousins or Grandparents. We had a blast!! BFF, my roommate JAK and I went to watch the Buckeyes game and had dinner, stopped at Menchies for frozen yogurt and then went home to watch a movie. Sunday we took a trip into Chagrin Falls so BFF could meet my classmates, which she loved. It was 80 degrees that day, we went to the Cleveland Metro Park close by and walked the trails, along with hundreds of other people. It was definitely a great "BFF's" weekend and hopefully when I am placed with a family (wherever that may be) she will be able to come spend more weekends with me. 

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Session 106

The lovely ladies I spend 4 days a week with. Lots of laughter, animal sounds, sarcastic comments and funny faces. My dad asked if the reason why I was standing in the back was because it was alphabetical. I said "Absolutely not. I wasn't paying attention to what we were doing and got stuck in the back."          He wasn't too surprised.


During my 2nd week of school, the girls and I had an etiquette lunch to teach us proper table manners. I kept thinking what congressman or person of royalty I will be having an amazing 5 course dinner with. (still thinking who it would be) During our lunch we had a producer from Hollywood come in and tape us for a possible reality show. One particular end of the table was full of comments and laughter while our stomachs were growling due to hunger. We weren't being very prim or proper.

    I couldn't resist!

shots shots shots.

  I am absolutely terrified of needles. Guess it goes back to my childhood and having our shots given to us in oldest to youngest order. My brothers would leave the room claiming they could hear me scream clear out in the waiting room.
    I tagged along with my "friend 2 year old" Friday when she went to the doctor for her flu shot. She freaked out more over having her arm our of her sleeve than she did about the shot. I was so proud of her!!! There was also the option of nasal mist, what I (and my mom) would give to had that 20 years ago!

 I made an appointment to have my flu shot in a few weeks. Any volunteer to hold my hand?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Friday Family

 Every friday for the 3 month session I visit with a family in Medina for my Practicum. My family is awesome! Down-to-earth and super sweet! There are 2 little girls ages 2 years old and 3 months. The 2 year old had no problem warming up to me during my first visit. She amazing me how well she knew her colors, letters, numbers and how well she talked. We instantly became buds dancing around the house and building with her blocks. The baby is absolutely adorable with some crazy long hair and all smiles whenever I show her any attention.
  Each week we have to do some sort of activity for music class as well as creative play. This past week we made tambourines with macaroni and paper plates. I had no idea how big a deal markers are to a 2 year old who has never used them! The project went well but shortly after we were done she was ready to play with blocks and do other things. Typical girl! haha

Monday, October 10, 2011

Bending the rules

My modified high school uniform. My shirt was untucked all day long!! I was on constant look out for Mr. V to hand me a conduct card.

This is how I roll

My friend I've been staying with, JAK, insisted that we join a skeeball league. The perfect way to avoid my studies!   Yes, my mom was thrilled when I told her this was an every week thing.