Wednesday, September 12, 2012

It's The Little Things

       I don't require much. A "Thank You" from time to time will do.

 I am three months into this job and both parents tell me over and over how blessed they are to have me, that I am an honorary family member, they support me in any personal or professional decision I make, and how I warm their hearts every time I walk into the apartment and Itty E smiles at me.
I can now add these parents to the listen of many others who value and appreciate me. It doesn't seem like work when I enjoy what I do and who I work for. Believe it or not, I have always felt that way. I am who I am and people like that. (weird, I know!!) These parents want to make sure that I am happy in every possible way! Even if that means taking time a day off because I am working too much.

                 I couldn't be any happier!

Itty E was fussy my first few days. This was from her apologizing for being bad. Can you tell I work for people in the dental profession?

Three weeks after I started to work for them it was my birthday. What an unexpected surprise!!!!

After a crappy few weeks, this was sitting next to Itty E's crib when I got her up from her nap.


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