My last week couple weeks in South Carolina were busy ones! Having to pack everything up in my room at the house, and also things at my brother's house became a little stressful. I was a little uncertain when exactly my last day was would put a little wrench into my plans. The dad flew down to the Bahamas for a golf tournament for the weekend, leaving mom, boys and myself at home. All was good and fun!
Saturday I was telling the mom about a random package that was delivered but put by the trash cans (in the back of the house). We were both super confused who would leave it there. Well, Saturday night around 2AM the power went out completely out of the blue. No storm, no accident, nothing. The alarm was beeping which all I could think about is it waking the boys up. The mom has always said to wake her up if I needed anything or something was wrong with the boys. Well I had to wake her up because I didn't know the alarm code. We both were so confused as to why the power was out and instantly sweating because the AC was out. I went to bed thinking "what if the power isn't back on at 8 when the boys get up? I won't be able to make anything for breakfast. I won't be able to get the car out of the garage or even if I did, I couldn't get it out of the driveway because the gate wouldn't open. This is all going to be a nightmare. JUST MY LUCK!" Well, the mom went to bed thinking "Whoever dropped that package off in the back cut the power and is going to break into the house and kidnap us!" Needless to say the power went back on 2 hours later and the boys slept through the whole thing. Lucky them!
The last day wasn't anything special. I took the boys to the zoo, out to lunch and then for cupcake treats. After all it was my last day, lets give them sugar!! We swam later that night after dinner and everything was as normal as could be. Gave the boys big hugs goodnight, closed the door, grabbed my bags and I was gone. I did give the new nanny the rundown for the week to come and told her to call me with any questions or concerns. Yep, said it right in front of the parents!!!! Didn't get a hug goodbye from anyone, just a "Thanks. Have a safe drive." Now thinking back if could have been SOOO much worse! Pulling out of their driveway there was no tears just a lot of screaming and bad words on how rude people could be!
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