I don't get off work until 8pm, by the time I leave the house it is usually after 8:30. The drive to my brother's is an hour and 40 minutes which makes plenty of time to collect my thoughts, make a phone call or turn up the music and sing my heart out. I had a very important question to ask a friend who was working at Taggarts last night. Shortly after she answered the phone was passed to a "grumpy old Marine who keeps going on and on about you." I knew exactly who it was!! A former Marine who is good friends with my Dad. After I talked with him and his wife it had me thinking..... I wonder how the rest of our regular customers have been?
I think about the little boy who would come in with his Grandparents. He would hide his DS from me so I wouldn't shut it while he was winning a level in the game he was playing.
I think of my Sunday people, hoping that the waitress gave them all of their sauces, someone got their pickle spear, and if that baby banana split was a baby size.
I think of the Lehman group who come in on Wednesday and wonder if the same person is going to be late again this week.
I think of Paul and Marie, wondering how they are doing.
I think of the customers who live in Akron who found Taggarts to be on their way home from EVERYWHERE!
I think of the guy who is daring enough to make a sundae out of whatever sorbet we have.
I think of the family who invited me on a few of their vacations. Oh and the couple who always asks if I will marry their son.
I think of all the customers who know my parents, or were shocked to find out they knew my parents after waiting on them for so many.
I think of Terry and Mark and their laughter. Actually, I think of all of the customers who I would sit down with as other tables would give me the evil eye!
There are little things every day that triggers my brain to think of Taggarts. It truly is so sweet when I talk to my friends from work and they tell me a customer asked about me. Because we aren't good with names, it is enjoyable when they describe the customer to me "you know, the guy with the hat. His wife always orders her Bittner with coconut."
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