I have decided that I am not cut out for weekend visits home. There is entirely to many people and to much to do in 72 hours.

I slept 4 hrs Thursday night getting up at 3:30am to leave for the Charlotte airport for my 6am flight. I didn’t even need a cup of coffee because I was so excited to come home. My parents picked me up, I was home for 20 minutes to wash my hair, eat a bowl of cereal and find my snow clothes. 11am coffee with Whim at Taggarts was first on my agenda, followed by getting my eye brows waxed, nails painted, and picking up cupcakes for the kids. My 8 little loves who have been missing and bugging me about coming home had no clue when my visit was going to be. I made arrangements with their parents to surprise the kids making sure none of them suspected a thing! I stopped to see 3 of the 5 boys, attacked with hugs and kissed. 2:30 came and it was time to pick of my Chica from preschool. ABSOLUTELY the best surprise! She looked at her teacher wide-eyed getting the approval to run to my open arms. With tears rolling down my face she didn’t let go of me! From there we went to surprise the rest of the boys with cupcakes. Then finally it was home to surprise lil’ man and Sassy at the bus stop. However the surprise was on me because their dad was already home and so were they. I was attacked at the door (literally down on the ground and couldn’t get up) with hugs. As the kids scarfed down their cupcakes there was non-stop chatter and excitement.
Friday night we joined some family friends and went snow tubing at Brandy Wine in Sagamore Hills. The kids, as well as the adults, had a blast! The little ones had no fear of going down the hills themselves, the big kids couldn’t get enough, and the adults laughed flying down the hills with their tubes all tied together. Best part of the night was it actually started snowing!
After getting home late how could I not want to stop in at Taggarts to see some of my favorite employees. Once again I was attacked by blue shirts.

Saturday morning I woke up bright and early to meet a friend from nanny school for breakfast. We discussed the pros and cons of our jobs and had a chance to catch up. It was well needed on both parts! I stopped to visit my Aunt and Uncle on the way home, then it was time to get ready for the Wind Chime Ball. It was a breast cancer related event for the Josette Beddell Foundation, a memorial a dear friend of mine started in honor of her mother who passed away from breast cancer. I was very excited to have all of girlfriends, as well as my parents, attend this event with me. I had the chance to visit with plenty of familiar faces all in once place, dance and laugh along with my friends.
Sunday morning I woke up (not feeling so hot) to have coffee and breakfast with my cousin and parents. I had a very important job that day, I was asked to be the Godmother of the grandchild of my own Godparents. What a big deal!!! Connor couldn't have been a better baby during the whole thing. He laughed as monsignor talked and didn't cry as the water poured over his head. After lunch with my God-family, I headed to a grade school basketball game to see family friends. Then we headed to Taggarts (of course) where I saw all of the regular sunday familiar faces. I was asked by a few why I wasn't working to which I explained where I've been for the last 2 months. I think my next trip home I am just going to camp out at Taggarts for a full shift and have ice cream with as many regulars as I can. Haha!
It was such a busy weekend, and the little sleep caught up with me that my 7AM flight I could hardly keep my eyes open. I choose not to when I was seated next to an infant who's mother was snapping pictures of her first flight and the kids behind me kept hitting my seat. Oh then the best! I had a layover in Atlanta. Checked the screen, there was a 10:30 flight to Charlotte. When I stood in line to board my ticket beeped. Yep, I was at the wrong gate for the wrong flight to Charlotte. Just my luck!
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