Potty training might be the death of me!!
The mom, other nanny and I have been talking about potty training for a few weeks now. It was just a matter of time when it was going to start. The other nanny has potty training expert so I have found it easier to follow her lead. She started with the boys on Monday taking of and off the diapers to go potty. There were a few connections made but every day was getting better. After a day or two the boys moved it up to potty training underwear that they love, "No more diapers" they say.
Thursday was my first day back from my 3 days off, I recommended staying home so we could really concentrate on what was going on. The mom said to still go out to lunch and maybe the park. I packed up 5 pairs of underwear and pants. We went through all of them during our 40 minutes at the park. We had some success sitting on the potty but it is all still so new to both of them.
Friday we stayed home in our jammie shirts and underwear. They each only had 3 accidents from 8am until 6pm. YAY ME!!

Of course there is rewards, going #1 they get one mini M&M and for going #2 two M&M's. The difficult thing has been the screaming and fighting to get them to the bathroom. Friday it nearly put me in tears and again today. I try and think of anything to sidetrack their minds, silly stories about Lighting McQueen, nursery rhymes, eye spy, etc.
"This potty training thing is really stressing me out!" -Anonymous
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