Ride to work. No big deal. |
This family I am working for is very lucky to have access to a small private plane and a time share in the Bahamas. We left the morning after Christmas for Abaco to spend 4 nights. Small planes make me a little nervous as does flying over large bodies of water, but the view and flight were amazing! I was in awe looking out the window taking pictures and completely forgot I had a 2 year old sitting on my lap reminding them to drink their water because of the pressure. I made the executive decision that if I ever have to fly with my children I will drug them first.
Taking off in Greenville it was 50 degrees. Landing in Abaco it was 68. It is amazing how the sun and hot temperatures can instantly put a smile on your face! Once again, because I was so excited to be given the opportunity to leave the country, I wanted so badly to take a picture of the guy in customs who stamped my passport. I didn't only because I didn't want to look like a crazy tourist. Once we got our car we drove to the rental office to get our golf cart. I felt like I was with celebrities because everyone knew the parents and couldn't believe how big the boys were getting.
Those would be parrots. Lots of them! |
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One of the few golf courses |
There was not a whole lot that we did. Out to breakfast every morning with the dad, beach, naptime. Our last day we went out on their friends boat. Go figure it was overcast and rained at one point. The boys sat with the other nanny and myself in the front of the boat, oddly enough neither of them enjoyed it. We stopped to catch lobster which was interesting. The other nanny jumped right in the water willing to try. Then there was me, all I could think about was how I would end up looking like a drowned rat not to mention holding my breath, trying to sink to the bottom and throw a sharp spear at something that is moving like crazy. Uhh no thanks!
View from our second house. |
We rented a friend's house for the week, but it wasn't ready until Tuesday. So the first house we stayed at had a breath taking view of the water! The second house had a great view of the 18th hole of the only golf course on the island.
Never seen a beach so pretty |
After being on the boat for 2 hours cruising around we stopped at this amazing restaurant on the water called Firefly. I took the boys over to a grassy area to run around because we had to wait for a table. After 20 minutes our table was ready. The mom asked what I would like to drink. Water I responded, I was working. "Tara, what do you want to drink? You have earned yourself a cocktail!" The words "margarita on the rocks, extra salt PLEASE" rolled off of my tongue so easily. My drink was well worth the wait! The boys were great the whole day despite 20 minute power naps (they usually nap for 2 hours) and lunch 3 hours late. This was a day a typical vacation day.
We, better yet I, packed everything up that night so we would be ready to leave the house at 9am and be in the air by 10am. Sand and all, bags were packed with minimal things to do in the morning. It was unreal how we were home by 1pm eating lunch in freezing cold Greenville. Once we got home the boys went down for their much needed naps, the nanny and I unpacked the car, washed all the clothes and tried out best to get the sand out of the toys.
Nothing says vacation like a bowl of fruit loops. |
View from the first house. |
Yes, I am petting the lobster. |
Hello my friend! How I've missed you. |
Oh my gosh, I completely forget. We drove a golf cart all over the island. The boys LOVED it. Every time we went over a speed bump they would scream "SPEED BUMP". It became the joke of the week.