Thank you Santa and Mrs. Clause for bringing me such a nice family to be with this holiday. I did have a bit of a difficult time not being with any family (yes, I know, alot of you told me not to leave until after christmas!) but that is life. My phone wouldn't stop ringing from all my friends and family calling and texting to wish me a Merry Christmas!
Westpark Neighborhood's Breeakfast with Mr. and Mrs. Clause at Taggarts |
The parents were out late Christmas Eve night delivering presents, so I got the boys up at 8am, made some delicious french toast and we played until mom and dad were awake. Grandparents came over then it was time to go hog wild opening presents. I must say the boys looked absolutely adorable in their matching Thomas the Train flannel pajamas that I got them for Christmas!! They opened so many different types of cars and truck which they wanted out of the box immediately! I had a little difficulty doing so. Later that night we joined the mom's parents and close friends for a more formal holiday dinner. I was a little on edge making sure the boys ate, didn't eat a lot of sugar, weren't too loud, and the toys were cleaned up. Don't forget I am the nanny!
The best part of Christmas was my mom getting a laptop so we can Skype. Watch out world, here she comes!!!!
So happy to hear you mom will be able to see you when you chat! Makes the miles apart seem not so bad.