Thursday, November 24, 2011

Shout Out To My MOM!

 My Grandma decorated cakes and cookies in her younger days. It was a something she taught my mom, and something my mom has been telling me for years that I need to learn. "You need to make your children's birthday cakes, you need to have the best decorated christmas cookies" she tells me. My response? "There will always be Giant Eagle. Their stuff tastes pretty delicious too!" However some of my best childhood memories were pouring the measurements in, licking the bowl, and being yelled at "TARA ANN!! THAT IS ENOUGH COOKIE DOUGH"

Our last day cooking in the kitchen for nutrition we made healthy snacks. Carrot cake (mmmm... delicious) granola bars, hummus and peta bread. Our teacher gave us a decorating bag, tips and food coloring to use for our homemake icing. Little did the nannies know, and the teacher as well, this was right up my alley. After years of watching my mom decorate, this came very natural!

                    So here is the question.... which decorated cupcakes are mine?

The plate on the LEFT is mine. and I promise Mom, you will not be using butter cream frosting on my wedding cake. It's a pain!


  1. guess what Tara? I knew which ones were yours!! SO proud! See, after all these years, MOM DOES KNOW BEST! So always listen to my advice.

  2. I goofed again with the sign name! I am so computer illiterate.
