After a long week at school, Friday comes and sometimes it is hard to be perky and at the beck n call of kids. But when I arrive at my practicum family, with my "Friend 2 year old" standing at the door SO excited to see her "Friend Tara" it gives me the jolt of energy I need. I can't get my coat and shoes off fast enough for her to ask "Friend Tara, go play in the basement?" She is always one step ahead of me. Before I even make it to the basement she asks "Friend Tara, are you hungry? Want some dinner?" She has a kitchen set, and after watching her mom cook delicious meals, "Friend 2 year old" loves coming up with her own concoctions.
Her baby sister changes every time I see her! She has come to terms with being on her belly and loves it. While I feed her her bottle, she screams at me if I even think of pulling it out to burp her. She loves to be around her sister and I acting crazy.
I have said this over and over, but I am so blessed to be able to add this family to my list of families I will always stay in contact with. From day one, the parents made me feel like I have known them forever. The mom is totally awesome providing an ear to listen to all of my crazy school stories and is very eager to where I will be placed. I can only cross my fingers they will be willing to visit me wherever I am placed.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Thanksmas and Christmagiving
Dinner. Dessert. Christmas. Family Photos.
Thanksgiving is a very big holiday for my family. It is the one holiday that my Dad's brothers, and their families, are all together. There was always 2 tables. One for the 8 adults, the other for the 8 kids. Now it has become the OVER 50 table, and UNDER 50 table. Over the years we have been very lucky to include family friends, in-laws, and spouses or girlfriends/boyfriends. My deacon uncle says grace reminding us all that Uncle Billy is watching over us and how lucky we are to have each other. We enjoy the traditional Thanksgiving dinner, sometimes adding meatloaf or brussels sprouts. Only in my family! Our staple desserts? Chocolate lush, creme de mint, and something pumpkin.
Because we are only all together once a year, we also celebrate Christmas. For years we did a gift exchange, drawling names the year before (and often enough loosing those names). It was a great laugh to see who would receive the worst give. (These are all things we asked for) The filing cabinet and electric skillet are still tied for first place! We have now all come to terms that we are adults and need to give back. Our $50 limit has turned into a $25 gift card for the exchange and $25 worth of toys for the Marine Corp league's Toys For Tots.
Megan, Kristen and I were invited to the adult table this year. They all looked so different under the dining room lights. haha No shopping? No movie? I felt a little lost.
Our fabulous holiday is not over until all 4 families squish together on the couch for a family photo while the paparazzi snap away with their new and old cameras. We know our yearly routine and still continue to laugh along the way as if it was all something new.

This year we added a Skype chat with our west coast family. It was great to laugh and joke with our cousins as if we were all together.
Thanksgiving is a very big holiday for my family. It is the one holiday that my Dad's brothers, and their families, are all together. There was always 2 tables. One for the 8 adults, the other for the 8 kids. Now it has become the OVER 50 table, and UNDER 50 table. Over the years we have been very lucky to include family friends, in-laws, and spouses or girlfriends/boyfriends. My deacon uncle says grace reminding us all that Uncle Billy is watching over us and how lucky we are to have each other. We enjoy the traditional Thanksgiving dinner, sometimes adding meatloaf or brussels sprouts. Only in my family! Our staple desserts? Chocolate lush, creme de mint, and something pumpkin.
absolutely DELICIOUS cupcakes my practicum mom made for me. White cupcake with mini pumpkin pie inside with cinnamon buttercream frosting! Mmmm... |
Our gifts for Toys for Tots |
Megan, Kristen and I were invited to the adult table this year. They all looked so different under the dining room lights. haha No shopping? No movie? I felt a little lost.
Our fabulous holiday is not over until all 4 families squish together on the couch for a family photo while the paparazzi snap away with their new and old cameras. We know our yearly routine and still continue to laugh along the way as if it was all something new.
This year we added a Skype chat with our west coast family. It was great to laugh and joke with our cousins as if we were all together.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Shout Out To My MOM!
Our last day cooking in the kitchen for nutrition we made healthy snacks. Carrot cake (mmmm... delicious) granola bars, hummus and peta bread. Our teacher gave us a decorating bag, tips and food coloring to use for our homemake icing. Little did the nannies know, and the teacher as well, this was right up my alley. After years of watching my mom decorate, this came very natural!
So here is the question.... which decorated cupcakes are mine?
The plate on the LEFT is mine. and I promise Mom, you will not be using butter cream frosting on my wedding cake. It's a pain!
Rain is a Good Thing
I have done a horrible job at keeping things in order and up to date. With 3 weeks left I will try my best..... I was waiting for pictures to post this.
The nannies and I went on one of our favorite field trips yesterday. We visited the Cleveland Children's Museum for the first time ever. Go to find out it has been around for 30 years, I feel deprived. Though the building is small, as we were guided through the exhibits we couldn't wait to get our own hands on each station. "Bridges of our community" was a great way for children to realize what adults do for us is so important. There was a grocery store, a house, transportation area, bank. Yes, the nannies and I were in heaven channeling our childhoods all over again.
There was one section that looked like leaves hanging over each other with a net around it. This exhibit encouraged children to climb through it, teaching about the water cycle. Condinsation starts on the ground, is evaporated into the sky, then comes down as rain. As soon as we entered this room I was the first one to yell out "I have to do this!" Sure enough, I was one of the nannies who did, and I didn't even get stuck!
This museum is made for all ages, and it being only an hour away, I would definately take advantage of it!
The nannies and I went on one of our favorite field trips yesterday. We visited the Cleveland Children's Museum for the first time ever. Go to find out it has been around for 30 years, I feel deprived. Though the building is small, as we were guided through the exhibits we couldn't wait to get our own hands on each station. "Bridges of our community" was a great way for children to realize what adults do for us is so important. There was a grocery store, a house, transportation area, bank. Yes, the nannies and I were in heaven channeling our childhoods all over again.
There was one section that looked like leaves hanging over each other with a net around it. This exhibit encouraged children to climb through it, teaching about the water cycle. Condinsation starts on the ground, is evaporated into the sky, then comes down as rain. As soon as we entered this room I was the first one to yell out "I have to do this!" Sure enough, I was one of the nannies who did, and I didn't even get stuck!
This museum is made for all ages, and it being only an hour away, I would definately take advantage of it!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree
We have reached the point that we will do anything to get out of class. Yesterday we had our infant care final, which lasted an hour, had an hour meeting with Lynne about interviews, and ending the morning with an hour of martial arts with Mr. Gaylord. As he walked into class he told us the Christmas tree that was going in the square was coming down the street. Before he could even finish his sentence we asked if we could go watch. We knew we had him, HE knew we had him. How could he ever say “NO” to our pretty little faces.?!We ran down the street to see the roads all blocked off, crowds of people and a flat bed semi marked WIDE LOAD coming down the street. Not that Chagrin Falls compares to NYC or even D.C. but I now understand why nationally known Christmas trees are such a big deal.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011
I am a Newborn Care Specialist... Or am I?
The blondes invaded monday night dinner this week. Sitting around the table being classy adults drinking wine, my dear friends helped me fill out an online form to be a newborn care specialist. Ok, let me just say this.... every child (infant, toddler, teenager) is different. Some kids get strep throat 3 times a year, some not even once. Some babies get foreign rashes, some don't even get dry skin.
SO, filling out this form and rating myself 1 to 10 how much I knew about babies was a little difficult. Which I think my friends (one of which is pregnant)were worried asking what exactly am I learning. I had no idea there are 4 different types of diaper rashes. Doesn't Desitin cream cure all of them? I had to google what exactly RSV and PPD were. We went around the table trying to figure out the different ways to burp a baby.
What I do know about babies is when they are fussy, hold them check to check making the SHHHH sounds, it makes them feel as if they are still in the womb. MOST babies calm down quickly.
SO, filling out this form and rating myself 1 to 10 how much I knew about babies was a little difficult. Which I think my friends (one of which is pregnant)were worried asking what exactly am I learning. I had no idea there are 4 different types of diaper rashes. Doesn't Desitin cream cure all of them? I had to google what exactly RSV and PPD were. We went around the table trying to figure out the different ways to burp a baby.
What I do know about babies is when they are fussy, hold them check to check making the SHHHH sounds, it makes them feel as if they are still in the womb. MOST babies calm down quickly.
Kids. Jobs. Adventures.
We are coming down to our final few weeks, 2.5 to be exact! There has been interviews like crazy! We have been very lucky to have some perspective employers come to the school for face-to-face interviews, but most out of state interviews are over the phone. They contact the school with what time they will be calling us and we sit by our cell phones waiting for a random phone number to call. OH THE ANTICIPATION!!! Out of 17 girls, 2 have already been placed, one in Singapore and another in Connecticut.
I am very excited to report . . . . . . . . I had a phone interview Sunday, and not to brag, but I NAILED IT!!! This is my family! The mother and I had great conversation, laughed and shared kid stories. When we both discussed what we were looking for in a family/nanny we listed the same qualities. Before we got off the phone she asked if I was interested in coming down to South Carolina to meet the boys, because they are the ultimate judges of me getting the job.
Thanksgiving being such a big deal in my family, I was a little hesitate when she asked if I wanted to come down that weekend. Knowing this is my future, I couldn't say NO. And knowing my family, they will support this decision 110%. HOWEVER, that weekend happens to be the Ohio VS Michigan football game. I already know what little gift the 2 1/2 year old twin boys are getting. Their first ever, and maybe only, OSU t-shirts. Which (crossing my fingers) they can wear while we watch the "Best damn band in the land" do script Ohio.
The school has reassured me time and time again this is the family for me and just how much of a perfect fit we are for each other. Time will tell!
I won't lie... after I got off the phone with the mom I jumped and screamed as if I won a million dollars!!! It took me a few minutes to calm myself and respond to all my messages from friends and family who were texting me during the phone call.
I am very excited to report . . . . . . . . I had a phone interview Sunday, and not to brag, but I NAILED IT!!! This is my family! The mother and I had great conversation, laughed and shared kid stories. When we both discussed what we were looking for in a family/nanny we listed the same qualities. Before we got off the phone she asked if I was interested in coming down to South Carolina to meet the boys, because they are the ultimate judges of me getting the job.
Thanksgiving being such a big deal in my family, I was a little hesitate when she asked if I wanted to come down that weekend. Knowing this is my future, I couldn't say NO. And knowing my family, they will support this decision 110%. HOWEVER, that weekend happens to be the Ohio VS Michigan football game. I already know what little gift the 2 1/2 year old twin boys are getting. Their first ever, and maybe only, OSU t-shirts. Which (crossing my fingers) they can wear while we watch the "Best damn band in the land" do script Ohio.
The school has reassured me time and time again this is the family for me and just how much of a perfect fit we are for each other. Time will tell!
I won't lie... after I got off the phone with the mom I jumped and screamed as if I won a million dollars!!! It took me a few minutes to calm myself and respond to all my messages from friends and family who were texting me during the phone call.
Friday, November 11, 2011
L O F: My rocks
My best times have gone
from laughter to memories.
from friends to family.
Every female has her circle of friends.
Some are new. Some are old.
Some are calm and reserved.
Some are wild and crazy.
Some have been around since childhood, some just a few years.
I have been very fortunate to have the same circle of friends for the last 14 plus years. Some of us went to grade school together, but we all crossed paths in high school. God was truly on our side.

These ladies have heard me tell kid stories 6 times over, listened to me vent about every personal story imaginable, and embraced my shopping habits. ( Some have taken part too!) I am so lucky to have them all apart of my life supporting me in my new adventure giving me the extra push I need to succeed.
God didn’t give me a sister for a reason, instead He gave me 8 of the best girlfriends imaginable!!!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Busting Out of the Classroom
Sophomore year biology class our teacher made us do a leaf project and identify the different types of trees. Every student that had this teacher hated this stupid leaf project!!!! However it is something that none of us will ever forget.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Trick Or Treat ENGS style
I have fallen in love with Chagrin Falls yet again. It was awesome to see how the whole town comes out for trick or treat, and just how many people get into the holiday. The nannies and I carved pumpkins and passed out candy. We couldn't get enough of the little kids and just how cute they were.
The fire station, located right behind the school, does a haunted house. LET ME TELL YOU, it was as scary as paying $10 for the haunted school house in Akron. Of course I screamed the whole way through, handing on to my friends and closing my eyes. hahaha!!
My Cleopatra costume was a last minute Wal-mart decision. It was quit a hit!
6 down, 6 to go!
I can not believe I am already half way down with the program. I guess that is a good thing?? Classes are going well, finally we've had consistency. My infant care class is cake, child development (16 months to 3 years) is very interesting. The teacher likes to discuss opposed to lecture, which the fellow nannies and I enjoy so much more. Child development (3 years to teenager) is kicking our butts. The teacher is very interesting however it seems like she is expecting a lot of out a class she only has once a week for 10 weeks. Nutrition is slowly converting me into a healthier eater.
Creative play, which we've only had twice, is amazing! She reminds me so much of my God-mom! The class is pretty much getting electronics out of children's hands and creating new ways to play. It has been a great reminds of all the fun things my brothers and I did as kids. Build army tanks out of refrigerator boxes, stack up all the cushions from our furniture up high and jump off them into a pile of blankets and pillows, etc.
A few of these classes end in November, so it will be interesting to see what we will be learning our last and final weeks.
Creative play, which we've only had twice, is amazing! She reminds me so much of my God-mom! The class is pretty much getting electronics out of children's hands and creating new ways to play. It has been a great reminds of all the fun things my brothers and I did as kids. Build army tanks out of refrigerator boxes, stack up all the cushions from our furniture up high and jump off them into a pile of blankets and pillows, etc.
A few of these classes end in November, so it will be interesting to see what we will be learning our last and final weeks.
Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle YEA!
A few of the nannies and I took an educational sight seeing trip to Niagara Falls, Ontario over the weekend. The snow storm that was blowing through PA and NY didn’t scare us away. We froze our butts off at the falls, tried out best to mimic Canadian accents, and not to mention were left broke by the time we came home because of the currency exchange. Not that it was all that much, but we definitely were counting our pennies. That night everyone was dressed up in Halloween costumes. We were dressed at the American nannies, code for we didn’t dress up! It went over very well!
Wake Up In the Mornin’ feeling like P Diddy
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