Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Quacks McGee

Watching TV while JK and I are working hard.
Shit or get off the pot!
My friends and I went down to Little Italy for the 5 day feast celebration. While standing in the street enjoying our delicious desserts minding our own business, a guy (older than me by 30 years) approaches me (of all people!) telling me how much he would love for me to have this duck/chick blow up animal. Immediately JK named it and said how I had to keep him. So.... Quacks McGee has become the 3rd roommate to the apartment doing all sorts of crazy things while we are gone. He listens to our crazy stories and enjoys our delicious dinners too!

Itty E Update

Itty E is 7 months old and all over the place! She is doing the bear crawl all over the place and getting into anything she can. She loves play with her toys, hit balls and crawl after them, knock over towers, and to read books (Goodnight Moon and Brown Bear, Brown Bear are her favorites.) Her personality is developing as well as her voice. She LOVES LOVES people and any attention she can get, as if she doesn't get enough between her parents and I. Itty E has been eating delicious organic pureed foods that I make for her, loves her fruits, not crazy about her greens. Her doctor said there is no holding back as far as table foods go. When she sees a plate, she is reaching for it!
Baby Girl in a nutshell. She sat and watched the guy wash the windows until he disappeared.

Day One I was a baby food making machine! Anything  I could get my hands on was streamed and pureed.

  We are getting ready for family vacation in Florida. Looking forward (and a little scared) to Itty E's first plane ride, what Disney World will be like with a baby, and to spend a whole week with mom and dad. 

What A Year

What a year it has been. There has been plenty of laughter, emotion, stress and happy times. Never did I think I would be where I am today, right back where this whole adventure began.

  Figuring out what is right for me came with trail and error, some heartaches and lots of tears but it only made me a better and stronger person. There was plenty of lessons to be learned this last year but the one that was most important was being true to who I am. Standing my ground. Make my voice heard. I have stepped outside my comfort zone, learned from others and made decisions that only make me happy.

  Recently I was talking with my mom how much it surprised me when a friend of my brother's asked me how the new job was going and just went wrong with the last one. It then had me thinking, does everyone in Stark county know?  Which then has me absolutely blown away by the concern and support of every individual who has crossed my path in my 28 years. Yes, being an nanny is an unusual profession, but people voicing their opinion and glad to see that I am back in Ohio makes me realize I made the right decision.

 But now, the past is in the past. On to bigger and better things, like planning Itty E's first birthday bash!

 And for the record.... I was never homesick. South Carolina was absolutely amazing! It was the family that put me over the edge. :)